Saturday, September 10, 2011

Temporary Tables

      Temporary tables are created in tempdb.  The name "temporary" is slightly misleading, for even though the tables are instantiated in tempdb, they are backed by physical disk and are even logged into the transaction log.  They act like regular tables in that you can query their data via SELECT queries and modify their data via UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements.  If created inside a stored procedure they are destroyed upon completion of the stored procedure.  Furthermore, the scope of any particular temporary table is the session in which it is created; meaning it is only visible to the current user.  Multiple users could create a temp table named #TableX and any queries run simultaneously would not affect one another - they would remain autonomous transactions and the tables would remain autonomous objects.  You may notice that my sample temporary table name started with a "#" sign.  This is the identifier for SQL Server that it is dealing with a temporary table.
Temporary tables act like physical tables in many ways.  You can create indexes and statistics on temporary tables.  You can also apply Data Definition Language (DDL) statements against temporary tables to add constraints, defaults, and referential integrity such as primary and foreign keys.  You can also add and drop columns from temporary tables.
                                                 Temporary tables are usually preferred over table variables for a few important reasons: they behave more like physical tables in respect to indexing and statistics creation and lifespan. 

A local temporary table, #table_name, exists only for the duration of a user session or the procedure that created the temporary table. When the user logs off or when the procedure that created the table completes, the local temporary table is lost. Multiple users can't share a local temporary table because it is local to one user session. 

A global temporary table, ##table_name, also exists for the duration of a user session or the procedure that created the table. When the last user session that references the table disconnects, the global temporary table is lost. However, multiple users can access a global temporary table; in fact, all other database users can access it. 

Any procedure with a temporary table cannot be pre-compiled

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