Monday, August 24, 2015

Performance bottlenecks - ways to detect

Source: Praveen (AsthraSoft)

Symptoms: unexpectedly high CPU usage and low throughput

How to detect:
·         If % Processor Time counter > 80%
·         sys.dm_os_schedulers DMV - runnable_tasks_count is high
·         sys.dm_exec_query_stats DMV, statistics of currently cached batches/stored procedures, and total_worker_time, execution_count

Potential causes
·         Excessive compilation/recompilation
o    Goal: identify excessive recompilation and reduce it
·         Inefficient query plan
o    Goal: take steps to write queries with efficient plans
·         Intra-query parallelism
o    Goal: identify parallel queries and make sure they are efficient

·         Explicit memory-related errors (e.g. out of memory, timeout while waiting for memory resource).
·         I/O utilization is higher than usual
·         Overall system slow behavior

How to detect:
·         PerfMon
o    Process object: Working set, Private bytes
o    Memory object: Available KBytes, System Cache Resident Bytes, Committed bytes, Commit Limit
o    SQL Server: Buffer Manager object - Buffer cache hit ratio, Page life expectancy, Checkpoint pages/sec, Lazy writes/sec

·         Slow response time, timeout error messages, I/O subsystem operates at its max capacity

·         Moving database pages between memory and disk
·         Log file operations
·         TempDB operations

How to detect
·         PerfMon: Physical Disk object
o    % Disk Time > 50%
o    Avg. Disk Queue Length > 2
o    Avg. Disc sec/Read or Avg. Disc sec/Write > 10-20 ms
o    Avg. Disk Reads/sec or Avg. Disk Writes/sec > 85% of disk capacity
  • DMVs
    • sys.dm_os_wait_stats for wait_type like ‘PAGEIOLATCH%’
    • sys.dm_io_pendion_io_requests with sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats
    • sys.dm_exec_query_stats: *_reads, *_writes columns

·         Running out of TempDB space
·         Bottleneck in system tables due to excessive DDL operations
·         Allocation contention

How to detect
·         DMVs:
o    sys.dm_db_file_space_usage (user, internal objects and version store sizes)
o    sys.dm_tran_active_snapshot_database_transactions (longest running transaction  most row version space)
o    sys.dm_db_session_space_usage (accounted at the end of a task)
o    sys.dm_db_task_space_usage
·         PerfMon:
o    SQL Server: Transactions object

o    Version Generation/Cleanup rates

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