Database files are created using zeroes for security purposes. Physically writing zeroes to new space helps to ensure that previous data is not accidently exposed to the new host. Check your security requirements prior to enabling instant file initialization.
If the data file has already been created as a large file filled with zeros, then a feature called Zero Page Reclaim can be used on the array to reclaim the unused space. Running Zero Page Reclaim allows the array to return the zero space to the available storage pool so it can be allocated to other applications.
Deleting data from within a database or even deleting files from a volume will not return free space to the thin storage pool. In the case of reclaiming deleted file space, most storage vendors offer a
host-side tool that checks the NTFS Master File Table and reallocates space from deleted space. If you decided to delete space from within a SQL Server data or log file you need to run the DBCC SHRINKFILE command to first make the file smaller, and then run the host-side storage reclamation tool to return space to a given thin pool.
Data Replication
SAN arrays offer both internal and external storage data replication. Internal replication consists of data snapshots and clones. Some storage arrays offer inner array data migration features. Both a snapshot (also called a snap) and a clone offer a point-in-time data copy. This data copy can be used for backup or reporting.
Both snapshots and clones need to be created in sync with the database log and data files. In order to maintain SQL data integrity, both the log file and data files need to be copied at exactly the same time. If the log and data files are not in sync, the database can be rendered unrecoverable.
Prior to creating the point-in-time data copy, you need to decide on the type of SQL Server recovery that is needed. You can create application-consistent copies using the SQL Server Virtual Backup Device Interface (VDI).
VDI is an application programming interface specification that coordinates the freezing of new write operations, the fl ushing of dirty memory buffer pages to disk
(thus ensuring that the log and data base files are consistent), and the fracturing of the clone or snap volume. Fracturing is the process of stopping the cloning operation and making the snapshot or clone volume ready for use. Once the fracture is complete, the database resumes normal write operations. Reads are not affected.
If the database is shut down before it has a chance to flush dirty buffer-page data to disk, the write-ahead logging feature enables SQL Server to recover data that was written to the log but not to the database files. This recovery model enables the use of advanced replication technologies.
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