Tuesday, July 21, 2015

DTA Tuning Summary & Reports

DTA Tuning Summary
Date                                                                                         7/21/2015
Time                                                                                         6:38:21 PM
Server   SQL-PC\SQLEXPRESS2012_2
Database(s) to tune                                                                    [AdventureWorks2012]
Workload file                                                                            C:\Users\SQL\Documents\TestLoad.sql
Maximum tuning time                                                                 59 Minutes
Time taken for tuning                                                                 1 Minute
Estimated percentage improvement                                            62.68
Maximum space for recommendation (MB)                                  101
Space used currently (MB)                                                          77
Space used by recommendation (MB)                                         82
Number of events in workload                                                    1
Number of events tuned                                                             1
Number of statements tuned                                                      10
Percent SELECT statements in the tuned set                                  100
Number of indexes recommended to be created                         1
Number of indexes on views recommended to be created            1
Number of statistics recommended to be created                        3

DTA Tuning Reports
1.       Statement-index relations report             shows sql statement, table name, index used to fetch the information
2.       Index usage report        shows table name, index, how many times referenced, and percentage of the usage

3.       Index detail report         shows table name, index, index type (clustered, unique, filtered, index size, number of rows

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