Saturday, July 4, 2015

Moving the Log Files to a Separate Physical Disk

SQL Server log files should always, when possible, be located on a separate hard disk drive from all other SQL Server database files. Transaction log activity primarily consists of sequential write I/O, unlike the nonsequential (or random) I/O required for the data files. Separating transaction log activity from other nonsequential disk I/O activity can result in I/O performance improvements because it allows the hard disk drives containing log files to concentrate on sequential I/O.
Furthermore, for SQL Server with multiple OLTP databases, the transaction log files should be physically separated from each other on different physical drives to improve performance. An exception to this requirement is a read-only database or a database with very few database changes. Since no online changes are made to the read-only database, no write operations are performed on the log file. Therefore, having the log file on a separate disk is not required for the read-only databases.

As a general rule of thumb, you should try, where possible, to isolate files with the highest I/O from other files with high I/O. This will reduce contention on the disks and possibly improve performance. To identify those files using the most I/O, reference sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats.
SELECT * FROM sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats(DB_ID(N'AdventureWorks2012'), 2);

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